Present and Distracted

Today as I sat in centering prayer, I experienced so many distracting thoughts that I began to feel frustrated with myself.  My critical inner voice spoke up to try to convince me that I was wasting my time.

I wonder how many of us may deal with that inner critic?  It’s the same voice as when I berate myself for switching from a place of gratitude to discontent when comparing what I have to what others seem to experience.  This can be anything from fewer wrinkles to nice vacations to a beautiful outfit.

Then I remembered an experience I had while making the Spiritual Exercises and reading the passage about Mary and Martha.  (Luke 10:38-42) As I engaged this familiar passage in prayer, God revealed to me that it wasn’t Martha’s frustration about Mary’s lack of help that caused her problem.  It was the fact that Martha became distracted by her frustration.  Had Martha not focused on Mary and what she was doing (or not doing), she would likely have enjoyed serving Jesus.  After all, Martha likely knew what would be required in inviting Jesus and his followers into her home for a meal.  Martha was probably gifted with hospitality and could have remained in a place of joyful gratitude had she not looked around her and become distracted by what she was thinking.

Distraction is a human experience.  Feelings ebb and flow, as do the thoughts that produce them.  The key to remaining in a place of joy, peace, and gratitude is to accept the distractions for what they are and stay present with Jesus.  We cannot wander far down the trail of envy when we are focused on the beauty of the Lord!

Here is a brief and simple recorded prayer experience to bring you into the presence of Jesus while dealing with your everyday distractions:

On Jesus Lap Prayer Practice

After the recording, here are some questions to help you process the experience:

  • How did you feel during the experience?

  • What can you learn about yourself by what distracted you? Again, notice without judgment.

  • What did you notice about Jesus during the time you were distracted?

  • What does he want to say to you about this?

  • What is your response?

Lord Jesus, you are the same loving, accepting God when I am still and leaning on you as to when I grow restless and distracted. Teach me how to stay aware of our connection regardless of what I am thinking, feeling, or doing. Amen.