From Fig Leaves to Frilly Frocks
A fun way to reflect on what it looks like for YOU to be clothed with nature of Christ!
A fun way to reflect on what it looks like for YOU to be clothed with nature of Christ!
If you are looking for some fresh inspiration for your prayer life, this workshop may be just what you are looking for!
Ever felt boxed in by life?
Losses come in many forms and include disappointments, illness, and loss of a loved one. Processing it from several perspectives helps heal and perhaps even find beauty.
What kind of fruit do you want to bear this next year? How can you cooperate with God to assure a bountiful harvest?
A creative experience expressing hope, love, joy, and peace.
Sometimes beauty grows in the most ordinary of places.
Sometimes beauty grows in the most ordinary of places.
Prayer comes in all kinds and forms, and one of the most fulfilling ways to engage in prayer is through the visual and using the body to create.
In this workshop, we will use silent listening, writing, and painting with markers to create your own personal prayer bowl. No skill is needed and I think you will find this to be a prayer experience that will stay with you for a long time.
Class is limited to 8 participants
Located at Safe Harbor’s Chloe Waldrop Taylor Renewal Center
Cost: $35 which includes all materials
Want to arrive at the end of 2022 with joy and peace? This retreat workshop may be just the ticket!
Christ’s birth stands at a crossroads in history. This miraculous event seems even more so when you trace the history of the promise through practices like the Jesse Tree. Make your Christmas especially significant spiritually this year, as we prepare our hearts and homes to receive the beauty and joy of this Gift.
Confused about the Enneagram and if it’s okay for Christians to look into? You might be surprised!
A personal retreat that will nourish your soul, in the beautiful mountains of Highlands, North Carolina.
Too often in our culture we brush past the sorrow and grief we experience, hoping to wish it away or push it away with activity or positive thinking. We may even feel guilty for the emptiness we experience because “we don’t have it as badly as so-and-so.” In doing so, we may miss a beautiful encounter with God.
Cost: $20 Class Limit: 7
Whether we experience loss as a life-altering experience or simply an annoyance or disappointment, learning how to engage it in ways that add dimension and beauty to our lives is something every individual longs for.
Looking for a way to creatively express your prayers? Praying with Color is a workshop based on the popular book by the title of “Praying in Color” by Sybil Macbeth. This is a unique way of encountering prayer when words escape you, your mind wanders, and your body doesn’t want to cooperate by staying still.
Cost: $25 Class Limit: 7
Sometimes we hear words like “grace,” “peace,” “love,” and “hope,” etc. so often that we don’t feel connected to them as much as we once did. This session of art journaling will provide an opportunity to creatively uncover some new dimensions that can refresh your soul. All materials provided.
Cost: $25 Class Limit: 7
In this ancient prayer practice, we learn four movements of prayer as we read short passages of scripture and engage them in several ways. This prayer method does not replace the in-depth study of scripture but is yet another way to encounter brief passages and hear God’s voice speaking through a particular word or phrase.
Cost: $20 Class Limit: 7
In this workshop, you will choose from a selection of beads to create your own string of prayer beads and learn ways to use them as a tactical and sensory engagement with God. This workshop is appropriate for older children (accompanied by a parent or grandparent) as well as adults. All materials provided and included in the registration fee.
Cost: $30 Class Limit: 7
Sometimes we hear words like “grace,” “peace,” “love,” and “hope,” etc. so often that we don’t feel connected to them as much as we once did. This session of art journaling will provide an opportunity to creatively uncover some new dimensions that can refresh your soul. All materials provided.
Cost: $25 Class Limit: 7
“There is not a moment in which God does not present Himself under the cover of some pain to be endured, of some consolation to be enjoyed, or of some duty to be performed. All that takes place within us, around us, or through us, contains and conceals his divine action.” -Jean-Pierre De Caussade.
By welcoming uncomfortable physical sensations, thoughts, feelings, and situations into the presence of God, we can learn and let go. The Welcoming Prayer is a practice to help us with this.
Cost: $20 Class Limit: 7
Have you ever placed yourself in the setting of a passage of scripture and looked at it from the inside out? What would it be like to be a bystander as Jesus healed or taught? What if you were the main character, with your own struggles? There is often a powerful connection with God in engaging scripture in this way.
Cost: $20 Class Limit: 7
How does your past year look like a house metaphor? In this session, we will spend time reflecting on your highs and lows of the past year through new eyes. We will give space and thought to what remodeling or redecorating practices you might want to engage in for the coming year.
Cost: $20 Class Limit: 7
As the days pick up the pace between Thanksgiving and Christmas, how can one make space for contemplating what it means to celebrate the coming of Christ? It might mean listening for God's gentle invitation to draw away for a day that softly turns us toward quiet contemplation.
In this six-hour retreat, we will look at Waiting through the eyes of Elizabeth, Mary, and Anna. We will examine our own lives in light of what it means to:
Wait in a season of time out of time
Wait in community for our purpose
Wait with an ear to the future
We will engage practices using all of our senses to enhance our understanding of what it means to wait well and fruitfully in all three areas. There will be time for deep reflection through silence, music, writing, and visual art.
A simple lunch will be provided, and social distancing will be practiced. No charge, donations accepted.
Location: Sunroom at Corinth Reformed Church
Limit: 10 participants, first come basis
Come and learn how to engage in prayerful conversation with God based on imagery. In this practice, we will use art, nature, and everyday objects to draw into close communion with God.
Cost: $25
Class Limit: 7
Register Here: https://host.nxt.blackbaud.com/donor-form/?formId=5f9ffeea-4bed-4d79-a0b4-710177300377&envid=p-IGMhFNFbMUmRefeOJ32YAg
If you are looking for another way to pass your faith on to your young son or daughter as he or she moves into the next phase of life, this workshop will provide you with a meaningful opportunity. You will choose from a selection of beads to create your own string of prayer beads, and learn ways to use them as a tactical and sensory engagement with God as you pray for your student throughout the remainder of this year. Then, you may want to pass it on to them as a gift when they head out to college. All materials provided and included in the registration fee.
Cost: $35 adults Class limit: 10
Register here: https://safeharbornc.org/on-purpose-class-schedule/ This class is a private offering, so you won’t see it listed:
Click on “What We Do”
Scroll to “Safe Harbor Classes”
Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page
Click the BIG BLUE BUTTON that says “Register Here” and type in “Private Prayer Beads”
In this ancient prayer practice, we learn four movements of prayer as we read short passages of scripture and engage them in several ways. This prayer method does not replace the in-depth study of scripture but is yet another way to encounter brief passages and hear God’s voice speaking through a particular word or phrase.
Cost: $25
Class Limit: 7
Register Here: https://host.nxt.blackbaud.com/donor-form/?formId=5f9ffeea-4bed-4d79-a0b4-710177300377&envid=p-IGMhFNFbMUmRefeOJ32YAg
Looking for a way to creatively express your prayers? Praying with Color is a workshop based on the popular book by the title of “Praying in Color” by Sybil Macbeth. This is a unique way of encountering prayer when words escape you, your mind wanders, and your body doesn’t want to cooperate by staying still.
Price: $35
Class Limit: 7
Where is your heart today, dear friend? Are you longing to love more and better, but you are drawing from an empty well?
Our lives, even when they are well-lived, have a tendency to leave us drained and longing for more. Yet often, we tend to notice our failures and fall-shorts instead of being aware of the ways in which we are depleted, and maybe even uncertain that we are loved just the way we are.
Yet God says that in order to love, we must remember the source of that love. And we must drink often from that source.
If you are longing for a fresh drink, join me for a “Beloved” Personal Retreat:
· Spiritual exercises to help you connect with God in fresh ways
· Periods of silence for reflection and rest
· Opportunity for community
Located in a beautiful lodging in Highlands, NC, all private rooms
Cost: $250 per person , which included 5 meals and lodging
50% of this fee is nonrefundable, but your registration is transferable.
Limited to four women, first come-first served
“I discovered a tenderness and warmth of God’s amazing grace that I had forgotten existed and I was once again reminded that God loves us through moments like this retreat offers. Moments of stillness, sharing, and surrender. He seeks to remind us we aren’t on this journey alone.”
“It was truly the most peaceful event I’ve ever experienced and I felt the very presence of God. …..There was a perfect balance of spending time together and in personal time of quiet reflection. I came away more able to see myself as God sees me and with tools to help me further deepen my personal relationship with him.”
“…the retreat leader was sincerely focused on each person’s needs and comfort level.”
“Plenty of time for stillness and rest. Loved all the meals and the freedom to eat together or on our own during that time.”
If you are curious about what the Enneagram is and whether it has anything to offer followers of Christ, this three-hour workshop will provide you with insight. When viewed correctly through the Christian worldview, tools such as the Enneagram can offer a way of engaging growth toward a more fully formed reflection of Christ. Participants will take a particular assessment prior to the workshop so as to have a more personal application of the principles taught in class and may desire some follow-up sessions for clarification.
Cost: $40 per person Class Limit: 7
Register here: https://safeharbornc.org/on-purpose-class-schedule/