A Tent Among Enemies

The tent flaps rise and fall in waves with the cool, evening breezes.  I sit, at first rigid and alert, peering into the danger of darkness.  The flickering lamp dances in shadows across the immaculate whiteness of linen, and with each leap of the flame, my pulse quickens.  I am in enemy territory.  I am tormented by the constant drone of mosquitoes.  I recognize the sounds of despair nearby.  I am weary from the fight and wounded from the war.

An unassuming figure approaches, kneels, removes my sandals, and begins to wash my feet with warm water and a gentle touch.  He has placed before me a flask of clear, cold water and I drink as a dying woman would drink.  He rises to pour fragrant oil into his hands and over my head.  As it trickles down my forehead and onto the open wounds of battle, I sense the warmth of comfort.  I notice the pests have retreated into the darkness.  He gently massages the oil into my bruised body.

Now he offers me wine.  Upon the first sip, it is bitter and I recoil.  He bids me drink again, with his hand upon my shoulder.  It becomes on my tongue the most exquisite delight of my life.  I drink it to the dregs, and as soon as it is empty, it fills to overflowing once more.

Then, amazingly, he sits across from me and I recognize that he is the King.  I stumble to my knees before him, and he gently takes my hands and bids me rise.  His embrace soothes my troubled body and soul.  The pain is still there, but it has taken on a different meaning.

He gestures for me to sit, and a feast appears before us.  As I sample the delights, I am captivated by his eyes.  Gentleness, knowing, passion, and humor are all clearly communicated in his gaze.  As we dine, he asks me to tell him all that is on my heart.  I speak at first of my love and faithfulness for him.  And then, I begin to angrily express my confusion about this never-ending battle in my life, and in the lives of my loved ones who also faithfully follow.  Anger turns to fear as I recall the enemy’s taunts.  In fact, I now hear them coming from the darkness.  I rise to draw my sword, wondering at how foolish I was to take this reprieve in the middle of a war zone.

He gently touches my arm and following his eyes, I return to my seat.  It is then that I notice my dining companions.  One is a jovial sort, and his words are like the taste of the wine - filled with goodness to overflowing.  The other bears the kindest countenance I have ever seen.  When he speaks, it is like a healing balm both inwardly and on my physical body.  I listen as they speak to the Master about the battles I have fought.  As I listened, I realized that they must have been with me through it all.  As they spoke, I also realized that they had spared me from a much deadlier fate. They have been my protectors along the way!  Hearing their account of the battle changed my perspective and I saw with new eyes, and I heard the Master say, “Well done. Very well done.”

Resting in his pavilion that evening brought the sweetest of sleep.  When I awoke and readied for my departure back to the battlefield, the King bade me come again to the table and dine.  I wanted never to leave this beautiful place.  But he said to me:

You are the dwelling place of the Lord.  The feast is always before you, and my rest is at all times available to you.  Your companions of Goodness and Mercy never leave your side, at my command.  I have made everlasting provision for you and you will find me when you seek and abide with me in your heart.  The enemy does surround you, yes.  And you must stand.  But do not be mistaken my child.  You cannot lose this battle, and with your eyes upon me, you will find rest and refreshment for your soul. You may not see that I am working while you sleep, but you may notice that my mercies are new every morning.

Trust in me. Think of me, Rest in me, seek to Understand me, Speak to me, and Turn to me – away from your own understanding. TRUST me.”

My prayer:  “Oh Shepherd King, restore my soul as I stay seated at the table in the temple of my body and soul.  Keep me free of the pests and enemies of distraction, fear, and pain as I enjoy your exquisite wine.  Let me seek companionship from my faithful friends, Goodness and Mercy, who never leave my side.  In this way, I will dwell in the house of my Lord forever and at all times.  Amen

If you are hungry to grow in TRUST, seek a companion for the journey.  Learn some new practices to enrich your walk.  Perhaps we could explore together.

And if you’d like to hear a blast from my past, listen to this. I have been humming it all week long here in my beautiful place.
